Friday, April 4, 2014

Here Is Yet Another Career Option, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           And it does not even involve insanity, though some would say you'd have to be insane, to do this!

                             I was questioning the sanity of my beloved, who, after dinner, sat, entranced, in front of the set, watching this piece of horror trash that I had to go to the computer, and figure out was "Jeepers Creepers 2," the sequel to the original "Jeepers Creepers."

                              Now, what is wrong with this picture?  Shouldn't I be the one, absorbed in the trash horror film???? That's right; only this was SO trashy that not only could I not tolerate it, but neither could sweet, little Baby Gojira, screeching from his mantle perch!

                               Apparently, the story involves the ugliest looking flying creature I have ever seen, who comes back, every 23 years, to prey upon the living.

                                  The film ends with the adult male figure killing the creature. Years later (23, to be exact!!!!!!!!!) the man, who is now old, has been running,with his son, a "Bat Out Of Hell Exhibit," housing the deceased creature in the barn, hung on the wall, where, for five bucks a pop. patrons can witness this horror.

                                    You know what's going to happen.  A group of kids come by to observe, laughing and disbelieving. But, at the last shot, the eyes snap open!

                                      Right.  But, you know those people years ago, in Famous Monsters, who constructed their own Cucumbo???? Why not construct this creature, and put it on display? It would do fabulous business, especially with the publicity I would give it--we could sell home made jellies, pickled fruits and veggies, I could do show tunes--and have a whole new career. Maybe Tarot readings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Something to think about for the future, girls!  A future that does NOT involve my watching "Jeepers Creepers," or "Jeepers Creepers 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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