Wednesday, April 9, 2014

I Think This Could Be The Season Finale For 'SVU'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              But, girls, will it be the show's finale, too, I wonder?  The way Season 15 has gone all year has been pretty bad. So, naturally, to go out with a bang, the writers are bringing back the brilliant Pablo Schreiber (brother of Liev) in his definitive performance as psycho sicko William Lewis.  And he has a thing for Olivia, and let me tell you, the way Olivia has been played this year by Mariska Hargitay (which is not her fault, but the writers') a lot of folk out there are wanting to see her get hers tonight!

                              I know they will match wits.  But, I want to tell you, I am so fed up with Olivia's career bitchery that I hope Lewis at least smacks her across the face.  Maybe that will bring Sgt. Benson down from her lofty perch, when she will start acting like the victims advocate we love, rather than the power bitch we hate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               I would also like to know Lewis' back story--what made him into such a psycho sicko. Or, who made him that way?  Mommy?  Daddy? Spinster Aunt Petunia???????????????  How I would love to play the role of the latter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                This should be the most exciting episode this season. If it turns out not to be, then, I am sad to say, there is no hope for this show, and it should simply die a quiet death, rather than being beaten over the head, like a dead horse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  You can't win a race, when it is already lost, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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