Thursday, April 17, 2014

I Want One Of These So Damn Much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            For the past several weeks, darlings, I have been seeing, advertised on TV, these things called "Edwards' Creme Pies."  They come in all sorts of flavors--banana, coconut custard, or custard, I am sure--but the one they keep emphasizing the most is the chocolate.

                              Imagine this photo magnified. They do that on TV, girls, with the syrup drizzling down the slice. Then, they have this incredibly slender woman biting into a slice, and eating its melting goodness, as if to say, even if you eat the whole thing, you can still be as slender as the woman!!!!!!!!!  Bullshit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 I know, in real life, the pie cannot look this good, or succulent.  But I would like to give it a try!!!!!!!!!!  Just where am I supposed to get these?  I have looked at various stores in my neighborhood in Bay Ridge; not a trace! If they advertise them in the NYC area, why the hell don't they sell them here, so those of us who want to, can try them!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   What an appetizing Easter gift, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!  But, not to worry, I will not consume this during the annual screening of "The Song Of Bernadette," which is coming up.

                                      I just can't stop obsessing about this pie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Send me some chocolate goodness, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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