Thursday, April 17, 2014

This Bitch Is Not Just A Top Contender For This Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         Frazier Glenn Miller, the 73-year-old, White Supremacist, ex-KKK leader, and vehement anti-Semite---the one who, just recently, shot down some folks at several Jewish centers in Kansas City,Missouri--is not just looking good for this week.  The year 2014 is not yet at the halfway point, and he could very well run off with Bitch Of The Year, but only time will tell.

                             At present, I have to wonder several things?  How calculated was this to do something like this  not only during Passover, but on Palm Sunday, the start of Holy Week. Cover all your hate  targets, Frank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 And what is the matter with this guy; can't he even tell a Jew from a Christian???? Just because someone is on a Jewish residence does not have to mean they are of that faith.

                                   I would love to hear Joan Rivers on this!  He can't even kill whom he is supposed to??????????

                                    Of course, the sad, and disturbing, thing, is that to him it really does not matter whom he kills, so long as he does.  All equality hate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Even more disturbing, the mayor of a Missouri town, Dan Clevenger, of Marionville, "kind of agree with him," as well as neighbors of Miller, who consider him "friendly and generous."

                                       Is this America? And what the fuck is wrong with it????????????

                                       Stick these people on an island, and leave them there, to stew in their own racist juices. Then, when there is no one else to hate, they can turn upon themselves, and kill each other off!

                                         But lock this week's bitch up in prison!!!!!!!!  Pronto, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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