Wednesday, April 30, 2014

No, Darlings, This Is Not One Of Cathy Mitchell's Dump Cakes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           I would hardly serve White Trash fare like that, to the subject of this cake, namely my very own father.  That is right, today is actually the day my father reaches the ripe old age of 99.  That is exactly 36, 135 days, all of them pretty much clear headed. How many who reach this point can claim that?  Hell, how many do reach this point?

                             Well, my father has.  I don't know if it was clean living, marrying my mother, raising me, or a combination of all three, but it got him to a point few of us in life get to.

                                And we all know what comes after 99!!!!!!!!!!  At this point, I don't see any reason why that should be???????????????

                                 Guess I should be practicing "On The Twentieth Century" to sing at my father's forthcoming 100th Birthday Party!

                                    Happy Birthday, Daddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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