Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Well, Dears, I Finally Read It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Like I said, several posts back, I have been a gay interrupted for years.  Now that I have the book, I can say, honey, we ALL lived it!!!!!!!  Last night, I felt like Brittany Murphy eating Rotisserie chicken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              On one level, the movie is better; on another, the book. Take Kaysen's observations, which are first rate.  Book wise, these are the best part of "Girl, Interrupted," the most insightful, and yet they are not very dramatically exciting. Compared to the amount of screen time they get on film, Daisy hardly figures in the book, and same, in a sense, with Lisa.  What the filmmakers did, to make a palatable film, was to take a look at the more dramatic aspects of the text, and heighten them for cinematic purpose.  Visits to the ice cream parlor are mentioned, for example, but there is no confrontation with Bonnie Gilcrest and her mother, which was sheer genius!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 And any of us girls will just love the way Lisa tells off everyone in her sight. Just like I want to do, right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  But, is it as good as the movie??????????  No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Of course, if the movie had never been made, this would not have been known.  But anyone coming to "Girl, Interrupted" after 1999, cannot judge one, without evaluating the other.

                                    Both have their merits.  But the satisfactions delivered are distinctly different with each!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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