Monday, April 7, 2014

Now That 'Les Miz' Is Back On Broadway, I Am Officially On Call For Fantine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             This is Cassie Levy, Broadway's current Fantine, and, in my opinion, she looks a little too hale and hearty for the role.  I have also heard she cannot sell "I Dreamed A Dream," the way it should be, and, if you cannot do that, what is the point of playing Fantine?

                               I am sure the company has among them, an understudy or two, who can rush on in the part, at a moment's notice. But, as tradition goes, whenever this show is on the boards, I always keep my cell phone on, in case someone should call me from the Imperial Theatre and say, "You've got to help us out!
We've got no Fantines!"  That has not happened yet, darlings, but, as the saying goes, there is always the first time, and, if need be, I will be ready, There will be costume and hair adjustments, and I will have to review the blocking, but, then, I am ready to go!

                                Fear not, girls!  Should the opportunity arise, I will give plenty of notice on here!

                                Like Eve Harrington, I will send out Indian scouts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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