Monday, April 7, 2014

How About It, Girls???????????????????

                            Can you believe it?  Today is not just the 65th Anniversary of the opening of "South Pacific," at the Majestic Theatre, on Broadway, it is also the Seventh Anniversary of this blog!  That is right, darlings!  Today, The Raving Queen turns seven!  It has evolved over the past seven years, as have I, and, hopefully, both will continue to, in positive ways, and I will right here to share it with you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Seven years ago today, I had no idea that what I launched would become what it has!  I can only wish us all another joyful seven years, as we all share events and experiences that shape us.

                                Hallelujah!  We have made it through another year--on the blog sphere!  May we keep on going strong!

                                 Love to all my girls from the Raving Queen, Monsieur, Big Gojira, Baby Gojira, Ramsey, and Cujo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Seven years, and not an itch to scratch, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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