Sunday, April 6, 2014

What Was Amiss With Our Beloved Cujo???????????????????????

                     Girls, as you know, ever since we discovered him, on his terrace, two summers ago at, 325 77th Street, in Bay Ridge, Cujo, though we do not own him, has become a beloved figure in our lives.  I just love him, and he is such a sweetheart.  I find it funny that the owners, on the gate, have a "Beware Of Dog," sign, because Cujo is, at heart, just a lovable pup with a great big heart!

                        I should point out, especially for the benefit of the owners, or neighbors, who may be reading this, that Cujo is not his real name.  I am not sure what it actually is, though, I thought, at one point, I heard him referred to as "Ferdinand."  He got his other name, because, one morning, as we passed by the house, Cujo was on his terrace--and it is HIS terrace, darlings!!!--barking fiercely  at something he saw, which irritated him, at which point Monsieur turned to me, and said "That dog is like Cujo!"  Thus, the name, and, ever since, when we call for him Cujo answers to us as Cujo!  It always cheers me up to see him outside, when we walk to the subway train, and he gives me a big doggie kiss or bark!

                     Well, yesterday, on our way to the reception, we passed by the house.  No Cujo, on the terrace.  Suddenly, Monsieur called me, because from around the corner of the yard, up to the gate to see us, came a very crestfallen Cujo.  I began to cry, because he looked so unhappy, and tears were coming out of his left eye.  It made me sad to see my beloved Cujo so unhappy, and we spent some time with him, talking to him affectionately, comforting him, which I think he appreciated, because, all of a sudden, he got very macho, leaping around snapping at a bug, and acting like he was trying to break into the house, through a screen in the basement!  Which is the Cujo we all know and love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       I could not stop thinking about Cujo all afternoon, and I told Monsieur, when we got home, we were going to walk down his street, and see what was up with him.  I swear, if he was still outside alone, I was contemplating taking him  home with us!!!!!!!  No one is gonna leave my Cujo out in the dark, and the cold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Evidently, someone in the neighborhood must read this blog, or saw us comforting Cujo, and figured things out.  Because, when we came home, there he was, up on his terrace, bold as can be, happy to see us, and giving us a big doggie hello!

                          Of course, we would never take Cujo!  But he needed a hug that afternoon, and I wish we could have given him  one!

                            So, consider this posting our hug to you, Cujo!  You are still Top Dog in Bay Ridge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




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