Thursday, April 24, 2014

Should Today Be A National Gay Holiday? You Have To Get Brooklyn And Broadway In There, Too!!!!!!!!!! Trouble Is, If You Make Streisand A Holiday, Will Lady Gaga Be Far Behind????????????

                                Today that Old Girl, who was once a "Funny Girl"--Barbra Streisand--hits the age of 72!!!!!!!!!  Are she and Brolin still together?  I think so, though, from what I understand, it looks like she is now scarfing down ice cream, while he trolls the Sunset Strip.  Hell, he's better looking than she is now; he should not have much trouble!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Of course, she is a Major Gay Icon, which makes the question of her birthday being a National Gay Holiday a valid one.  Forget Lady Gaga for a minute; Liza would want to get her two cents in!!!!!!!!  Not to mention Madonna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    I wish BARBRA the happiest of birthdays.  I wish her the best, even though I know she will never hit those notes in "The Music That Makes Me Dance," like she did on the "Funny Girl" cast album, now 50 years ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Hell, who could?   Don't even mention me, dolls; let's see how I am holding up, at 72!!!!!!!!!!!!   Which is lesser time than I care to think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     But Happy Birthday, BARBRA!  After all, gay men who need you are the luckiest "People" in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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