Thursday, April 10, 2014

So, Things End On A Whimper, Instead Of A Bang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           After the tremendous buildup this week's 'SVU' episode, entitled "Beast's Obsession," had, I was expecting to see the show that would make this otherwise lackluster season worthwhile.  I was looking forward to Pablo Schreiber's trailblazing performance, as psycho sicko William Lewis.  I was looking forward to flames flying, between he and Olivia.  And I was intrigued by the prospect of a returning familiar figure. Who could it be?  Chris Meloni, as Elliot Stabler?  Stephanie March as ADA Alex Cabot, or my personal choice, Charlaine Woodard, as Sister Peg????????????

                            Alas, my hopes were too high. Not only for the return, but for the entire episode, as it turned out. But I was happy to see Donal Logue , as Lieutenant Declan Murphy.  I was also happy to see him assume command, because I have had it with Olivia, this season.

                                Lest I am attacked--and if I am, go ahead, darlings, because, you know, I attack back, anyway--let me say I do not like what has been done to Olivia this season. But I do not blame that on her, or Mariska Hargitay.  I blame that on the writers, who, after this season should be collectively fired.

                                 Miss Olivia has been elevated to Sergeant, and while she  could be a good one, the way she is written is someone who got a promotion, and got too big for her britches. A career bitch, in other words.  This episode last night should have been designed to knock her off that pedestal.  And, for a time, I thought it was going to.

                                    Things started so promisingly, with all the fuss surrounding Lewis staging his fake death; that fat, homely juror; his "sudden resurrection," and his sickening bloodbath along the way, including tying up a girl in her closet,  after raping her, and making off with her little sister. Nice and sick, Lewis, just the way we love you!  Great acting job, Pablo!

                                      Where the episode started going South, was when all the exchanges between Lewis and Olivia were not interpersonal. And that public service message she was forced to make was so contrived--like the city watched and bought into her shit? Who would be dumb enough to?

                                          When Lewis and Olivia, with the child, Amelia, in tow, all ended up at some abandoned building by the water--isn't that where all these crime things end up????-- I thought we were going to see some action. Great acting job by the kid, playing Amelia--she is bound, hung and screams on cue!  Great!  Big, tough Olivia plays it like a vet, but she is scared, and Lewis knows it. But not enough bitch slapping, no real rape, and the whole thing ends, with Lewis shooting himself??????????  What a rip off!

                                                This is how it should have ended, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Olivia should have been raped by Lewis, while she rips off his gonads with her bare hands, and stuffs them in his mouth. Then she grabs him, and shoots him in what is left of his groin, lying on the floor, to bleed to death.

                                                     Injured past equilibrium, she crawls out of the space, and tells the cops to rescue Amelia, which they do.  But now, Olivia has learned her lesson. She crawls--literally crawls!!!--the entire way, back into headquarters, bleeding, falling at Murphy's feet, begging to be demoted back to Detective, willing to have him take over as Captain.  Because she knows her place, now! She promises never to be a high minded career bitch again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                        Not only would it have been a great Season Finale, it would have been a great way to end the series, which, as far as I am concerned, is done, anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                            Class dismissed, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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