Thursday, April 10, 2014

Every Bitch Has Their Story! But Why Are So Many More Of The Same???????????????????????????

                          I always loved that haunting line, sung by Peter, Paul and Mary, in the song, "Blowin' In The Wind."--"How many deaths, will it take, till we know, that too many people have died?"

                          This morning, as I heard the news of the stabbings by this week's winner, 16-year-old Alex Hribal, at a high school in Murrraysville, PA, these lyrics floated through my mind, but so did the rather blase thought, "What? Another school attack?"

                              Have I become this desensitized????  It seems like, in the wake of Columbine, we have grown more accustomed, almost accepting, of such happenings, rather than taking constructive steps to end them.

                               Why does a kid that age carry a knife to school? Where are the parents?

                                 Police and social service officials are all scrambling for evidence and analysis, to determine a motive.  You know something?  After so many of these incidents, it does not matter why the little prick did it!  It matters that he injured 22 people, four at least critically, using a knife, all within  a five minute time span.

                                   Which, to me, indicates blind, uncontrollable rage.  Never mind what provoked it.
How to control it?  Was it being controlled?  And, if not, why not?

                                      Comments have been made that the Hribal family--parents, and one other son, and Alex--were as squeaky clean as the Brady Bunch. Uh huh.  I don't buy that for a second.  Jan might have bitched "Marsha! Marsha! Marsha!", but no one shot anyone on that show!

                                          Maybe the halls should have been patrolled by Ann B, Davis, as Alice! Or someone, just like her!

                                           And can we have some new bitches, please?  And not this same old moroseness?????????   I never thought I would say this, but, compared to Alex Hribal, even the Kardashians would be welcome at this moment!

                                             Are bull dykes the answer to the problem??????????  Maybe!  They'd keep things in order!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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