Wednesday, April 9, 2014

What Parents Visit Upon Their Children, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          During the great, Sixties era of DC Super-Hero comics during my childhood, there were a number of experiments that were tried, but failed, even though I often liked them.  Some came out of a comic magazine called "Showcase," in which new heroes were introduced for the first time. The most successful I can remember was the Atom, who eventually became a member of the Justice League Of America!  Then there were some memorable team ups--The Flash and The Doom Patrol; Starman and Black Canary!

                            I have written about the Inferior Five before. They were introduced in Showcase, sometime back in 1966, as a parody. The idea was they were anti-heroes, because they were completely incompetent.  If they solved a case, which they did, it was either by accident, or sheer dumb luck.

                             They didn't fly. But I loved them.  The members were--

                             Merryman--The group's leader, who dressed in a court jester outfit!
                                                He used to be a 97 pound weakling--before he lost weight!

                             The Blimp--He can fly--if the wind's with him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Awkwardman--What might! What power! What--OOPS!

                              The White Feather--Fearless except when he is scared--which is
                                                              ALL of the time. He dressed in a brown  outfit,
                                                              similar to that of Green Arrow, from the Justice
                                                               League, with a white feather as his chest insignia.
                                                               He was also billed as the only bird who is

                             Dumb Bunny--Stronger than an ox--and almost as smart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             As I said, I loved "The Inferior Five," but they did not last too long. But not enough has been said about their parents--The Freedom Brigade, nor did they ever get their own magazine.

                               The Freedom Brigade, if you look very carefully at the picture, is a parody of the Justice League Of America.  Even some of the costumes--like Captain Swift's and Princess Power's--are very similar to well known JLA'ers.  Dig that bright yellow background!  I love it! Would love to have a huge portrait of this hanging on one of my walls!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  The Patriot, leader of the group, was married to Lady Liberty. They are the parents of Inferior Five leader, Merryman.

                                    Captain Swift married an ordinary woman. He is the father of The Blimp.

                                    The Bow Man, like Swift, married a woman with no powers. He fathered The White Feather.

                                     Mr. Might (his costume is the one I like best) and The Mermaid got married. Awkwardman, of the Inferior Five, is their son.

                                       And, lastly, Princess Power married a man minus powers.  She is the mother of the Dumb Bunny!

                                         Interesting how closely Captain Swift resembles the Flash, the Bow Man looks like Green Arrow, and Princess Power looks like a rather plump Wonder Woman.  Same costume exactly, this last!

                                            If only they had been given their own magazine, then or now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It is still not too late!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Let the Freedom Brigade ring, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Logical argument matters not one whit in this blog. Relevance is measured by the number of responses. Even so, you intentionally misinterpret posts, just so you can troll your own blog. When you sign-up for that writing class, consider doubling-down for an ethics class, too!

  2. Darling, I do not troll on here; the responses
    are from actual readers! Like yourself!
    To each his own, dear. I don't need a writing
    class, because I am brilliant! And I have
    plenty of ethics!

    Happy tea time, dear!!!!!!!!!!!


  3. Hi,
    I think your response was meant for
    another post. You sound like you are
    responding to something we both watched on ID,
    while your comments turned up on a post
    related to comic book heroes.
