Wednesday, May 21, 2014

And So, The Series Comes To A Close!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    When the Yorkshire Ripper was finally caught, at the end of "Nineteen Eighty," I thought, "With one more book to go, what else can David Peace do?"

                                        Well, I found out soon enough!  "Nineteen Eighty-Three," which concludes his "Red Riding Quartet," brings it all together--the juxtaposition of Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf, the rest of the monstrous and murderous conspiracy, that includes a corrupt police detective, a deranged rent boy (British for male prostitute) and an equally deranged preacher, mixed in with a series of child murders and abuse, resulting in a compelling recipe that capably brings everything to a close.

                                         Even those two evil Brits, Ian Brady and Myra Hindley (whom many consider the Most Evil Woman Of All Time!!!!!!!!!!) get a mention!!!!!!!!!!!!  All I  can say is, look what Peace did in fictionalizing the Yorkshire Ripper.  Imagine what he could do with Brady and Hindley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

                                          I have seldom been so sad to end a book series.  Do I want to read more David Peace!  You bet!  But, once again, girls, be warned--he gets down to the graphic depravity of human sickness at its worst, so, if unable to handle it, stay away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           I loved every delicious page!!!!!!!!!!!!  And I learned so much, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Like to stay out of Yorkshire and Leeds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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