Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Gays Need To Practice Tolerance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Excuse Me?????????????????????

                                    Have you heard this latest political idiocy, girls???????  It comes from the biggest political idiots of the day, Newt Gingrich.  Seems he feels those holding anti-gay views are being denied their rights to air those views, because the gay community is obstructing them.

                                      Give me a break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        I have never seen anyone who is anti-gay having any problem airing their views. From street corners to church halls, they manage to get the word out.

                                          What Gingrich is really saying is he wants the gay community to stay silent, to just let his cohorts rant, and we just sit and take it.

                                             Which is what led to such horrible repression during the pre-gay rights era, and which the Gay Rights Movement has helped to eradicate.

                                                 Gingrich would like to see us back in the Fifties, with blacklisting, book burning, racial and sexual segregation.

                                                   Don't give him any satisfaction, dolls!  He even has a sister, who is a lesbian; not only is she more attractive than he. I bet they don't break bread any time soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

                                                      Hasn't Newt Gingrich become sort of politically passe, even for the Right??????/  Surely they have better options than this outdated idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                         The Gay Community does not need to learn tolerance, darlings!!!!!!! It needs to maintain its stance of standing up for what is believed in, and not selling out to anyone or anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                           And shutting people like Newt Gingrich up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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