Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Darlings, This Could Be One Of THE Events Of The Summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         Girls, I have just recently gotten word that the Film Forum plans to hold its Horror And Sci-Fi Fest, later this Summer.  The schedule has not been posted, but. as the Raving Queen and a connoisseur of such screen fare, let me weigh in with what SHOULD be included on the roster.

                           It goes without saying that the 1954 "Gojira" should make a return appearance.

                           And, especially after the hellish presentation it was recently given on NBC, the same goes for Roman Polanski's "Rosemary's Baby."

                            But how about some stuff that hardly turns up?  I am sure we have to expect the annual presentation of either "The Tingler," or "House On Haunted Hill," but how about some of these gems--

                             1.  "The Crawling Eye"--Where a 1958 pre-"F Troop" Forrest Tucker plays it
                                    straight, and is upstaged by a gigantic, tentacled orb.

                              2.  "Who Slew Auntie Roo?"--With Shelley Winters and Mark Lester.
                                     Worth it just for the opening scene with Shelley in the red gown and

                               3.  "Happy Birthday To Me"--With a post 'Little House' Melissa Sue
                                     Anderson. It was supposed to jump start something, but never did
                                     for her. But it is one of the overlooked revenge slashers, and features
                                     real creativity in its murders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                4.  "When Worlds Collide"--George Pal's 1951 rendering of the Apocalypse.
                                        New York is seen drowning in this one, and who knows it might.  So,
                                         if Gotham goes, plus California, what does that leave us with?????
                                         The Mid West?  The South?  Oh, my God--a Republican nation!!!!!!!!!!

                                 5.   "Frankenstein's Daughter"--Now, "She Demons" is Richard Cunha's
                                        masterpiece. But, this little seen trasher features the ugliest female
                                        monster ever seen.  Actually, the make-up artist did not realize, almost
                                        until filming, that the monster was SUPPOSED to be female, so the
                                        creature from the laboratory looks like the first beans n' franks lesbian
                                        monster.  Then, there is also Sandra Knight, kin to Frankenstein, who
                                        takes some kind of serum and turns into what looks like a bad
                                        makeover that just emerged from a salon in Rego Park, Queens!!!!!!!!

                                   6.  "Blood Of Dracula"---Plenty of lesbian spoofs in this one; I bet
                                          the girls at this school are required to read :"The Well of
                                          Loneliness."   And where Sandra Harrison turns out to be more
                                          glamorous as the monster than herself!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     7.  "Theatre Of Blood"--Vincent Price, Diana Rigg,  and
                                           Shakespearean camp. What could be better????????

                                       8.  "The Seventh Victim"--Val Lewton's brilliant 1940's precursor
                                              to "Rosemary's Baby."  It would not have surprised me if
                                              Ira Levin had seen this film, prior to writing it. Also, Kim
                                              Hunter, pre-Stella, in her film debut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         9.  "The Deadly Mantis"--Darlings, you have to see this one!
                                                Craig Stevens and Company fighting a gigantic preying
                                                mantis, which is really a real one placed on a microscope
                                                slide and magnified for the camera. When it goes 'zzzzzz,"
                                                 I am sure it is some guy in the voice over department.
                                                 At least when "Tarantula" looked in on Mara Corday
                                                 undressing in the bedroom, you knew it had hormones!
                                                 "The Deadly Mantis" is famous for the most garish,
                                                   cluttered poster, with the tag slogan, "This Was The
                                                    Day That Shocked The World In Terror."  The big
                                                    shock, darlings, is the poster turns out to be better
                                                     than the movie.  Not to be missed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       10.        "The Burning"--We love Betsy Palmer as Mrs.
                                                      Voorhees, girls, but she gets plenty of exposure.
                                                      Not so this 1981 summer camp slasher, featuring
                                                      Cropsy, who is great, and a cast of then up and
                                                      comers--Fisher Stevens, Holly Hunter, and Jason
                                                      Alexander!!!!!!!!!!  Bet if she were still alive,
                                                      Patrice Munsel would bring her Campfire Girls
                                                      to see this one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  So, let's see how the Summer Lineup turns out!

Hope to see you all on the aisle, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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