Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Now, Here Is A Career Alternative, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    The idea came to me, while shaving this morning--I won't say what I was shaving, darlings!!!!!!-- and thinking about the Mattel Lie Detector toy I had as a child. There were these cards with all sorts of suspicious characters, and one of them said,  Cigarette Girl.  And, of course, I grew up with Edie Adams and the Muriel Cigar commercials!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     So, it came to me that the perfect career, post retirement, or even for those of you who want a career change would be a cigarette girl in a nightclub.  It would suit this girl just fine!  You work a coupla hours, wearing a scanty outfit, clutching a cigarette tray around your shoulders, and then you walk up to the most eligible (richest, not necessarily good looking, though, if you are single, go for it!!!!!!!!!!) men in the joint and sell them....some cigarettes.

                                       Now, over the years, I have heard that some of these girls sold more than just cigarettes. I mean, a girl's gotta eat!!!!!!!!!!  Whatever my darlings decide to do, I make no judgement!  As for me, I will take tips, but there will be no hanky panky on MY shift, and definitely not after!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Still, it is an exciting career prospect.  Sell, char, drink coffee......and get paid for doing it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           What more could one ask for??????????????????????????


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