Thursday, May 1, 2014

Did You See Those Two Fat, Pathetic Actors, Looking At Each Other????????????????????

                          One thing "Post Mortem Blues," last night's rather lackluster 'SVU' episode made clear is--if you are a fat, pathetic actor in New York City,  you can still get a job.  During the Grand Jury scene, when the Fat Thing who helped Lewis escape was testifying like she was some sort of paragon of virtue, and her equally Fat and Ugly Male Counterpart on the Grand Jury made eye contact with her, and the two made goo goo eyes, well, nausea reached a new level last night.  But fear not, overweight actors, work is out there!

                            Notice the shot of Olivia?  Why the hell doesn't she and the writers do the show a favor and have her pull the trigger, and end her character? Frankly, I have had it with Olivia; again, not because of Mariska--I love her!!!!!!!!!!--but the way she has been written. Down and demeaning.

                                So, get rid of the old bag. If that cancels the show, too bad; you can't beat a dead horse. But with Donal Logue stepping in for Cragen, and Amanda on hand, and Amaro looking more and more like he is on the way out, maybe there is a chance for a 16th Season.

                                 Last night's episode however, did not make that clear. It only made clear what needs to be done to make real that possibility.


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