Thursday, May 1, 2014

What Kind Of Parenting Is This?????????????

                            It just figures it happened in Florida, darlings!

                            Marcus Crossland sure will not make Father Of The Year, but he will make Bitch Of The Week. When I saw the video (which I will try to dig up for you!!) of what he did, I was disgusted.

                              Crossland took his 6-year-old son, to Kona State Park, in Arlington, Florida, which boasts the world's biggest skateboard ramp. Since I thought the fad originated years before in California, I thought the world's biggest ramp would be out there!

                                  When the little boy got there, and actually saw the steepness of the ramp, and what he was expected to navigate, he panicked.  Hell, you think, I wouldn't?  And I am closer to 60, than 6!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     So, you know what Daddy did?  Kicked him down the ramp!   Why?  "He had to learn," was the answer.

                                      Great way to teach your kid trust, Dad. So, at eighteen, if he shoots or stabs you, there is no one to blame, but yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        If I had been that kid, I would have climbed back up that ramp, whacked Dad in the back with my skateboard, and knocked HIM off the ramp!  Let him see what it is like!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Here is the disgusting video. It  has already gone viral on You Tube, and now with the Raving Queen, honey, look out!

                                         What else can be said of Marcus Crossland but--What a fucking bitch?????????

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