Thursday, May 1, 2014

"Tra! La! It's Here! That Shocking Time Of Year! When Tons Of Wicked Little Thoughts Merrily Appear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                Yes, darlings, it is again May 1, though from the weather outside where I am, it feels more like November.  But we have an exciting month coming, what with the ongoing arrival of the Summer Season, the anniversary of Monsieur and myself, plus the arrival of our beloved Gojira'a brand new film--which we will see as soon as possible, and which my girls will get a full report on here.

                                  In the old days, it used to be one danced around a Maypole.  I have a new tradition on here, which you will hear.  May is generally thought of as the month of Mary, (yes, THE Mary, BVM, Queen Of Peace, Queen Of ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) which makes sense since May is associated with flowers, and no one likes pretty flowers more than Mary.  Even if her birthday, historically, is April 29. Which just happens to be the day before my father's.  No wonder he is such a devout Catholic.

                                   So, a happy and healthy May, to one, and all!  And what would the month be, without Julie Andrews, from "Camelot," singing "The Lusty Month Of May!"  Here it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Tra! La! La!, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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