Saturday, May 31, 2014

Every Neighborhood Should Have Its Own Black Drag Queen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Girls, I am telling you, you will not believe what Monsieur and I, both on our days off, saw on our neighborhood enclave of 5th Avenue, in our beloved Bay Ridge!!!!!!!!!

                            Just as we were nearing the street, from Bay Ridge Parkway,  (aka 75th Street) we saw in front of us, this number in a blue halter top, pink slit dress, and platform high heels, and I am telling you, she was working it!!!!!!!!!  She was doing her best to resurrect the era of the Eighties, with her being Donna Summer. An era I remember very well, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            From behind, she looked like a woman, which is what we both thought.  I am telling you, her waist was thinner than Vampira's when she was in her 50's prime. The legs were so skeletal, as well as the arms, I don't know how she could have stood on her feet, much less walked in those shoes.

                            As we got up closer to her, and noticed her rather broad--but not too--shoulders, we could see this was a guy in drag.  Who was doing his own club act on the street, singing aloud, hollering, what ever it took.  This was no flagrant prostitute, this was a girl on a mission for a gig. And neither of us would have thought of disturbing that mission, because, before we knew it, out would come the knife! Believe me, I know!  This Petunia is no pansy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             What was sad, was, as we glanced at her outfit, we could see it was a bit tattered and dirty. Not the thing to do if you want to start a career.  A legitimate one, that is.

                                Maybe this explains why, last night, I went to sleep and had a dream about "Rosemary's Baby..." where I was Rosemary!  I was getting sick to my stomach.  The dream taught me pregnancy, no matter what you're carrying, is a bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Imagine my shock this morning when Monsieur, as we were dressing for work, said he has seen this character before, and thinks he/she lives in our neighborhood.  It is amazing how Bay Ridge has changed!  When I first walked these streets, late in 1983, this gal would not have lasted alive on the street for 15 minutes.

                                     It's great having a Black drag queen in the neighborhood, but she needs to take some freshening up tips from Wesley Snipes as Noxzema Jackson!!!!!!!!!!!  At least change those panty hose, honey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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