Saturday, May 31, 2014

This Year's May Was A Strange Month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              I mean, look at the only picture I could find to say farewell to this month in 2014.  A bunch of stones?  It looks like the villagers getting ready for Shirley Jackson's "Lottery!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                This May was a strange month.  Its warm days were few and far between, while many days were colder than I like it to be this time of year.  Still, there were some highlights--the celebration of a 4 year anniversary between my beloved and myself, a visit to see "Casa Valentina," with friends Linda and Marilyn, a Memorial Day visit to the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens, not to mention a joint visit--in one day--to "Godzilla" and "Sweeney Todd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                  And, with the weather gradually warming up, there are more sightings of our beloved Cujo, out on his terrace.  But something is up with Lola and Stinky, down the street; I am telling you,. that Lola is pissed, and taking it out on everyone!!!!!!!!  Nasty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Guess May was not as uneventful as I thought.  And with June creeping up on us--already???--the events will be coming, right and left!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     See you next month, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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