Friday, May 16, 2014

"God, When It's Over, Do I Need A Drink!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                               As all my girls on here who are Theater Queens know, that is the line sung by Sheila, during "The Tap Combination," near the end of "A Chorus Line."  I kept quoting it, as I watched Part Two of NBC's "Rosemary's Baby" miniseries.  Meanwhile, the line my beloved Monsieur kept whispering into my ear was, "You owe me, big time!"

                                I cannot blame him.  Could the second part of "Rosemary's Baby" be any worse than the first?????????  The answer is yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 I hadn't realized till then that Hutch had been made into two characters--Rosemary's friend, Julie (who, we learn had slept with Guy before Rosemary hooked up with him, hmmmmmmmmmmm.....) and a sympathetic police commissioner.  Both get their satanic comeuppance--Julie in a gruesome cooking class death, and the commissioner in a car accident, on his way (like Hutch) to meeting Rosemary.  The editing between the commissioner's death, and Jason Isaacs, as Roman Castevet, smoking a stogie, flashing the commissioner's match lighter, was a little heavy handed.  But, then, so was the whole thing.

                     Did you know Roman is Steven Marcato, for Eternity?  And that they use baby blood (as well as the blood of other mothers tried, or missing prostitutes) to stay young?  No that young, girls!!!!!!!!!  And this is not the way Ira Levin wrote it!!!!!!!!!!!!  Gag me with a spoon!!!!!!!!!!!

                              The characters standing in for Laura Louise, and Drs. Sapirstein and Hill, were all, more or less, after thoughts.  It made no sense here Sapirstein should be connected to the coven, and of course, he is.  And we are never shown the Castevets referring Rosemary  to him.

                                These are glaring omissions in a story that has to have a certain amount of credibility to work.  But that, and artistry, go out the window here!

                                   As for the baby, we get to see it, but you know what--big deal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  When I saw the glowing eyes, I laughed!!!!! First, because he did not look especially Satanic, and second, I started to think the baby had been fathered by the cat, who is called No Name!  I mean, he had more balls than Patrick J. Adams as Guy!!!!!!!!!!!  When he recites the line, "It's like you had another miscarriage," I was glad Rosemary spat in his face, but I wanted to see her send him flying out the window.  Let's face it, with the baby born, who needs Guy, so I always felt, if the story were followed through, something would eventually happen to him.  I kept hoping for this, but, alas, no!!!!!!!

                                   However, if it were up to me, I would have sent Adams to an acting school, because, based on how he plays his final scene, he can't even read a line.

                                     La, la, la--the whole thing ends with Rosemary, sporting a black baby carriage, walking the little Devil along the Parc Marceau.  Big fucking deal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      If there are any real witches out there, do us all a favor, and cast a spell on Hollywood so it does not generate crap like this we are forced to waste our time on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     And may everyone involved in this garbage be haunted by Ira Levin and Ruth Gordon--in curlers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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