Thursday, May 15, 2014

Like A Diuretic Working Its Way Through Your System, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 There is actually a practical reason why NBC waited four nights before airing its second part of "Rosemary's Baby." That was to get those who sat through Part One a chance to get its awfulness out of their system, so they could handle more?

                                     I mean, look at this photo?  Does anything look more staged, like a publicity still?  I am telling you, looking at this shot alone, my father could easily have taken my childhood vacation photos and become a commercial photographer.

                                      Zoe looks like she is going through a Hatha Yoga class. The others look like they are doing some form of Pilates.  And this is supposed to be about childbirth?????????  Come on!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       With the one interesting thing--the Nina-Jacques situation--how can they ruin it now?  If Julie is the Hutch character, you had better start behaving like such.  Rosemary better start making discoveries.  And I am pissed--no Dr. Sapirstein, no Dr. Hill.  How will it all end? Will she get plain, Lipton's tea, afterward?  Will Guy get a comeuppance?  Will he fall out a window?

                                           Most of all, will the ghost of Ira Levin float across the screen, stating clearly, "I do not endorse this?"  I hope so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Thank God I have tomorrow off!  A whole day to recover from the  awfulness of tonight's presentation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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