Monday, May 19, 2014

Good News For Godzilla/Gojira Fans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        It just goes to prove, you can't keep a good lizard down, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        The movie "Godzilla" is actually a multi-generational family saga, in which the creature empathizes with some of the players. There is a scene between him ans Aaron Taylor-Jonson, as Ford Brody, the grown up son of Bryan Cranston and Juliette Binoche (both excellent in small parts, and too small for Juliette, but, hey everyone wants to work with Gojira!!!!!!!!!!!!) where they look at each other, and Gojira smiles at him, as if to say he understands what he lost, and to reassure him he will be reunited with his son and wife, the former played by Elizabeth Olsen trying to channel Kate Winslet.

                          Then there is Ken Watanabe, who plays Dr. Ishiro Seerizawa.  What I want to know is--who is this Dr. Serizawa, and how can he be related to the one from the 1954 film?  The idea here is that this is his son. But, remember, Dr. Serizawa sacrificed his life at the end of the first film, to save mankind, and because he knew Emiko would be happier with Ogata.  So, does this mean there was a love child, during the war?  And is Serizawa here that love child?????????????? He is the only character, by the way, to properly call the creature "Gojira."

                         But nobody out acts our lovable reptile.  He is given a big star entrance, well into the film, and when he is finally seen, the theater erupted with bravos and applause.  And Gojira actually turns out to be an emissary of Peace, not to harm mankind, but to help it, as Ken Watanabe's character says, "to restore order and balance to nature."  You see, Gojira has been a star for 60 years, but he has been on the planet longer than that, so he knows when his terrain is being upset, and he is not about to let that happen to the planet or the friends he shares it with.  And so, somehow summoned by disturbances above, he comes to the rescue.

                        When those familiar spikes are seen above water, guiding the Naval fleet, it is a sign of reassurance, more than terror. Everyone here feels safe with Gojira around, and nobody is afraid of him. And when he takes on those nasty MUTOS (a nasty, military secret, the government had been hiding!!!!!!) the audience cheers. The cheek of one of them, biting Gojira on the neck, but let me tell you, Gojira takes care of them with his strong arms, and atomic breath, breaking them in two, and using his breath full force.  The audience goes wild!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            But, like all of us, he has gotten older.  And so, when the battle is done, he suddenly collapses, and everyone fears he is dead.  But not to fear; his eye opens, to let us know he is alive, but he needs a minute to recuperate. Hey, who wouldn't????????????  And he deserves it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Then he picks himself up, and goes back to the sea, where he is content to be, waving
bye bye to the people on land, and, as those spikes sink beneath us, we know he will return for another movie!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Gojira is the greatest, and we are so proud of him!!!!!!!!!!!!    That nasty Mothra; her publicity mill is still sending out notices calling Gojira a fatty!  He is buff and butch!  As well as cute and cuddly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     I urge everyone to see this movie!  You'll want to give Gojira a big hug, afterwards!!!!!!!!!!!

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