Monday, May 19, 2014

Jack This Horse Off, And Call It A Night, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             As charming and bucolic as it looks, darlings, as isolated as it is, located on Hicks Street in the farthest section of Brooklyn Heights, going toward DUMBO, as atmospheric as it is inside, dining at the Jack The Horse Tavern will give you an idea of what it is like to work in a salt mine!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Our Saturday night gathering, to honor the birthdays of Paul and Mark, was merry enough, but the overall cuisine, appetizing as the menu made it sound, became a different matter when tasted, as each entree (my pork chop, Ellen's duck breast, even the roast chicken!!!!!) was saturated with so much salt it made your average can of soup seem health conscious.  As one of of our compatriots remarked, it was a young person's place; our group, frankly, seemed to be the oldest in there, the staff was young and trim, so, of course these folk, who are young and think their bodies will last forever and that there is no such thing as health issues (because that is what one thinks, when young; hell, I did!!!!!!!!!) don't have a thing to worry about, and can eat to their hearts content. Wait, kids, you will pay for it, later.

                              Thank God for our charming host, Alan, who whisked us away to his bohemian spot in Brooklyn Heights for a lovely coffee and cake repast.  He was the host with the most, the cake was scrumptious, and the Nantucket painting he put up over the table was stunning.

                                 A good time was had by all, even if we are going to watch our salt intake, this week. Because, if you dine at the Jack The Horse Tavern, it becomes a necessity.

                                  Remember the giant ants, in the 1954 movie, "Them!" ?(with James Whitmore; not to be confused  with the Joyce Carol Oates novel of the same title) .  They would have a ball at this place, as the salt supply is so high.

                                    I understand the place has been around for nearly five years. Beats me, because no one, unless directed, would go to this destination.  If it goes under in the next couple of months, either someone read this blog, or the ants took over!

                                      Or the ants read the blog, and stayed away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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