Thursday, May 8, 2014

Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Doesn't that look scrumptious, darlings????????  Maybe we will have something similar to that for desert this evening, as my beloved Monsieur, the greatest gift given to me by God, whom I thank every day, celebrate what today is our Fourth Anniversary.

                                 That is right---four years ago, and it was raining then, and has always seemed to rain on this day ever after,  we met for the first time--at the Riviera Cafe in the Village--and the rest is History, one that I hope continues for years and years to come.   With my beloved at my side, I feel happier and safe than I have in years, and we have so much to share, so many blessings, and so many friends to share it all with.

                                     So, I could not start blogging today, without acknowledging my beloved!  He is proof of the song that "Love Makes The World Go Round!"

                                       To Be Continued!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. CONGRATULATIONS on your 4th anniversary! You are both an inspiration to the rest of us, truly. So very happy for you!

  2. Thank you so much! David and I feel truly blessed. It has taken me a lifetime to get it right.

    Looking forward to seeing you Saturday eve and Sunday for Gojira!
