Thursday, May 8, 2014

What A Perfect Time For This Week's Bitch Of The Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                   What with just three days till Mother's Day, and NBC's airing of its desecration of "Rosemary's Baby," I thought it would be time to examine another horror film, which has been badly remade, and features this week's Bitch  Of The Week!  I am talking about "The Omen."

                      The 1976 version, that is.  I actually did see the 2005 remake, and the less said about that one, the better.

                        No matter how good a horror film (like the ORIGINAL, 1968 "Rosemary's Baby") holds up, nothing can compare with that first time viewing.  When I saw "The Omen" initially, back in 1976, what is still the most shocking moment in the film came early.  It is when the Nanny, played by Holly Parlance, calls down to Damien from an upper window, offering a birthday gift, which, if you are a first time viewer, you do not realize is going to be her suicide by hanging, in front of Damien and all the guests.

                          The Nanny here is to "The Omen" what Terry Gionoffrio is to "Rosemary's Baby," an arresting character, who has to be disposed of early, in order to pave the way for what follows!

                         Which, in the original "Omen," turns out to be Nanny From Hell--literally--Mrs. Baylock, brilliantly played by British actress Billie Whitelaw. So brilliant that she just about walks off with the film.  In fact, even though it might be channeling Baylock again, I think Whitelaw might have been a better Mrs. Castevet in the new "Rosemary's Baby."  Better than that Carole Bouquet!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Mrs. Baylock is the perfect Bitch Of The Week. Don't you just love when she arrives with her evil Doberman (I forget his name, but something Satanic) to watch over Damien!!!!!!!!!!!!!  This nanny could upstage Mary Poppins, she is such an evil bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Too bad her malice could not be used in the 'Rosemary' remake.  It would liven things up considerably!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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