Thursday, May 8, 2014

The Castevets Are Now Nasty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      When Roman Polanski was first casting "Rosemary's Baby," he had some interesting considerations. He had Tuesday Weld in mind for Rosemary, and Robert Redford for Guy.  He had the Lunts--Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fontanne--in mind for the Castevets, and I have to wonder if he interchangeably auditioned Sidney Blackmer and Maurice Evans for Roman and Hutch, and Ruth Gordon and Patsy Kelly for Minnie and Laura Louise!  And no one could top Ralph Bellamy as Dr. Sapirstein.  Or even Charles Grodin as Dr. Hill.

                       But, where are they?  They appear to be missing from this rendering of "Rosemary's Baby," which is just another sign this one is going down the tubes!!!!!!!!!!!!  To make the Castevets sexy and nasty just downgrades them to horror movie stereotypes. Central Casting Witches!!!!!!!  From what I have seen so far, all of the humor of the Levin novel and the Polanski film have been removed, so that what you are left is a horror story with 'Da Vinci Code' locale and seriousness, which means the whole thing is going to fall flat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         Were Mario Bava still alive, and the location switched to Venice, photographed in the macabre way it was in "Don't Look Now," a remake of "Rosemary's Baby" might have stood a chance.  Bet you, with Bava, Barbara Steele would be right in there, as Mrs. Castevet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               That Jason Isaacs and Carole Bouquet!!!!!!!!!!!  Stage names, as phony as I ever heard, just like their acting credentials!!!!!!!!!  Think they can top the REAL Castevets, pictured above, played by Ruth Gordon and Sidney Blackmer?????????  I don't think so.

                                  Now, if I could have gotten a personal item of Jason's and Carole's before the cameras started turning, things would have turned out differently!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Very differently, indeed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. When Carole Bouquet was a Bond girl in For Your Eyes Only, back in 1981, there was a rumor going around that she was what we now call transgendered. I don't think it was ever proven though.


  2. She was a Bond girl? I have never really heard of her; I did not know she went back that far!
