Monday, May 26, 2014

Let's Talk About Elliot Rodger!

                                Elliot Rodger couldn't get laid!!!!!!!!!!!  SO WHAT????????????  You don't kill people for it!

                                So much bothers me about this situation.  Let's start with the media continually referring to him as "a child."  He is 22 years old, living on his own, with roommates, which is what most do in their twenties, so he was well beyond the trajectory of childhood.

                                That he had Asperger's Syndrome was stressed, as if this was reason for his actions.  Well, lambs, plenty of folk suffer from this--I know some--but they do not kill people!

                                 Clearly, he was enraged.  And maybe he had a right to that rage!  But, that he crossed the line of fantasy and acted on a murderous spree speaks of deeper mental disorders that, for all his parents' so-called awareness, seemed to escape both them, and the police.

                                    Not to mention our so-called ridiculous gun laws, which says as long as you have not been institutionalized, you can buy a gun!  Great!  So, undetected crazies walking around can buy and use firearms!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       And look what happens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       I feel for the victims and their families, as well as for Elliot and his!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Once again, why didn't someone see something, say something, do something????????

                                         Just take a look at this video!  Sure, many of us can relate to his issues!!!!!!!!
But none of us, certainly not I, did not go out and murder people!!!!!!  Nor even contemplated it!

                                          I am not a mental health professional, but I can see within this is a deeply disturbed individual.  And if the professionals can't, or were unable to, before that, they share the blame.  And if they were not able to spot and deal with trouble, it speaks of a concern about concerns of competency for those currently practicing in the mental health community!

                                             Think about it, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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