Monday, May 26, 2014

My Special Occasion Holiday Wear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         This is one of three days out of the year--the other two being July 4 and Labor Day--that I wear my Flash t-shirt.  The color goes with the holidays ' festivities, and this has been a tradition for over a decade.  Besides, it is a a sure way to make sure I get some wear out of this garment.

                                          If only, when I wore the Flash, I became the Flash!  But that could backfire!  Suppose some nut wore a Dr. Doom t-shirt--and became Dr. Doom!

                                          I mean, I am still pissed for not making the national Honor Society, which I blame on that deceased bitch, Mrs. Alice C. Santamarina!!!!!!!!!!!  But the Justice League??????????
No way!  I'm just some grade A bitch queen, who wants to smack some people across the face!  How can I be a super-hero, worthy of the Justice League???????????????????

                                            So, instead, today, I will feel like one!

                                             The Flash always had the best costume, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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