Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Girls, Since When Does The Joker Have A Moll? And What Does Las Vegas Have To Do With White Supremacy??????????????????????

                              Darlings, have you heard about this idiocy????????  These are the Millers, Jerad and Amanda.  Strictly White Trash, and they are dead, now.  This past Sunday, the 8th, these two went on a shooting spree in Las Vegas, resulting in the death of two policemen, and an intervening Good Samaritan.

                                The two even did an almost Bonnie and Clyde exit. Pursued to a mall, knowing the jig was up, Ms. Miller shot her husband, first, then turned the gun on herself. Nice, huh???????

                                  Added to this, they were White Supremacists.  They seem to have been from Nevada, but outside Vegas.  What I don't get is--if they are White Supremacists, what are they doing hitting Vegas?  They hate cops, the government, but if your bugaboo is White Supremacy, shouldn't one go to a more suitable environment, than Las Vegas, where, I am sure the larger part of the tourist population is white.

                                     Maybe they just wanted to stir up trouble, especially in one of America's highest profile cities.  Maybe they wanted to go out with a bang!  Well, they did! Unfortunately, they took several other innocent people with them.

                                       But dressing up like the Joker?  How passe!!!!!!!!!  And inaccurate--the Joker did not have a moll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Holy White Trash, Batman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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