Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Darlings, I Am Telling You Right Now--DO NOT Try This At Home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              We all love a good cream rinse, girls, and some of us may be flamers, but not one of us, I think, wants to be flambe!  Just what is this, some of you may ask?  Is it Yvette Vickers, in one of her horror/slut roles???????  Is it an outtake from "The Bride Of Frankenstein?????????"

                                Hardly. It is the opening of 1960's "The Hypnotic Eye," starring Jacques Bergerac, and Allison Hayes, Yvette's co-star from "Attack Of The Fifty Foot Woman!"

                                  Mysterious happenings ensue when a hypnotist comes to town with his act.  A series of incidents mysteriously occur, as women in town, as though in a hypnotic state, disfigure themselves.  What is behind this?  It is not just America's obsession with beauty!!!!!!!!!!!!  Who is behind it????????  I wish I could tell you, but darlings, I have never seen the entire film.  All I know is it has a dynamite ending.

                                     That's why I am urging all of you, the next time you step into the shower, or think you are washing your hair, to check on the shampoo, and the location you are in.  You do not want to end up, like this!

                                       I mean, if you have to, stick to Johnson's No More Tears, with their pink cream


  1. Oh, this one's a doozy all right: Allison Hayes never met a script where her character wasn't a combination of statuesque sexuality, somnambulant demeanor, and batshit crazy mentality. Given her stilted talents as an actress, "Hypnotic Eye" is probably her best film showcase (I always found her overrated in "50 Foot Woman").

  2. Can you get your hands on it? I have heard that the ending is really something! Love Allison Hayes!!!!!!! Yvette Vickers stole the show from here in '50 Foot Woman.'
