Thursday, June 12, 2014

Just Who The Hell Is This Bitch To Judge Anyone????????????????????

                          I recall what I remember as the opening of the Sondheim musical, "Merrily We Roll Along."  It is the opening that worked best.  The curtain rises on a group of young high school graduates, eager for the future, for their lives to begin, and they sing a beautiful song, "The Hills Of Tomorrow," expressing all this. Then composer Franklin Shepard, who graduated from the same school 25 years before, delivers a commencement speech that proceeds to knock the stuffing out of their dreams and expectations.  In other words, belittle them.

                            Shonda Rhimes did the same thing in her commencement speech at Dartmouth.  To think that someone so fat and ugly could graduate from an Ivy League college. Guess they needed to fill some Affirmative Action quota that year, didn't they, sweeties???????????  Now, I have nothing personal against Rhimes, who went on to become a producer of the hit series, (which I never watched or cared about, but that did not stop it from becoming a success) "Grey's Anatomy," but who is she to take away the dreams of these recent grads??????????????????

                            Screw you, bitch! If no one dreamed, nothing that was created would have been.  Telling a group of kids they will never amount to anything from dreaming, that they will end up living in the basements of relatives, is akin to my White Trash relatives, the Liddys, especially Judy and her father, and all the crap they said about me, because I was a dreamer, because I was--oh, my God, gay!!!!!!!--and who I am still waiting for the day when I can tell them to go fuck themselves.  Hell, maybe I am doing this now.

                              I would like to tell the same thing to Shonda Rhimes.  If I had been one of those grads, I would have walked right up to her, and smacked her across the face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              You can't take Hope away from young people, Shonda!  Especially since your fat ass got it all!  Who are you to talk?

                               So, this is why you are the winner of the Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award!!!!!!!!

                                 Now, shut up, and go feed your fat ass mouth!  Like it hasn't been???????????

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