Thursday, June 12, 2014

This May Be Gay Pride Month, Darlings, But There Is Still A Lot Of Gay Hypocrisy Out There!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                And none of it is more irritating than when it comes from within the Gay Community itself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 This Rick Clemons, who claims to be a "Coming Out Coach," but if you want to talk about grifter, he is right up there with Sante Kimes, because he doesn't put his money where his mouth is, but where his wallet goes.

                                  I was particularly pissed by a letter he had written in the Huffington Post Gay Voices column,  on June 11. This was, ostensibly, a Father's Day letter from a gay son to his straight patriarch, trying to make peace, or at least, come to a truce with it all.  But the tone of the letter is more of one abolishing his homosexuality, not proclaiming it, and the picture that he paints is not at all flattering of either himself, or his father.

                                    Let's look at the first phrase, which set my teeth on edge"

                                     "For starters, we're both men, living, breathing, masculine.
                                      hairy men, with a little bit of extra weight we could stand to

                                      What the son is really saying, with his testosterone raging is, "I may be gay, but thank God I am one of those who can pass for straight."  What about those out there who cannot?   Or refuse to?  I guess you have no use for them, huh, Rick? Fuck you!  In this way you are just like your father--bigoted, intolerant, accepting only gays who happen to meet your particular criteria. The rest can just go away!!!!!!!!!  Why don't you and your text here, just go away, Rick?????????????????

                                        "We both have infidelity in our pasts."

                                           Nice, so you are admitting that you are a sex pig, and you are outing your father as one. You, Rick, have obviously cheated on partners, and your father has cheated on your mother. And yet you extol this, like it is some kind of virtue.  If this is how you and your father look at things, you both deserve each other! But leave the rest of the Gay Community alone!

                                            "We both allow jealousy to damage relationships."

                                                Great, so both of you have fucking intimacy issues. What an inspiring message for young gay men during a month that is supposed to value their sexuality, acknowledge a place for it in society, rather than demean it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   "Love doing physical labor."

                                                     Great. You are both macho lugs.  Listen, why don't the two of you get your own Christian TV Channel so you can spew this hypocrisy to the world that will choose to believe in it--which is, unfortunately, all  too out there????????  After that, you can both retreat to you Man Cave, where you can both watch sports, eat baked beans, drink beer, belch and fart, to your heart's content. But, hey, it's OK, it's cool. because one of you is gay.

                                                      And to that one--Rick--I say, take Margaret Hamilton's broomstick from "The Wizard Of Oz," and stick it up your ass, until the other end comes out of your mouth.  Then set it all on fire!

                                                         Now  try to join the rest of us Flaming Queens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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