Monday, June 2, 2014

Happy TONY Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Some have the audacity to refer to the Oscars as the "Gay Super Bowl."   To be truthful, I think the designation belongs to the TONY Awards, which will be telecast this Sunday.  For starters, it involves the Theater Community and Theater Queens, a largely gay populace.  Its main audience, both of viewers of the show, and the shows seen on stage, consist of folk from the Metropolitan Area, where the greatest number of gays are concentrated! Oh, come on; you know they are!  Compare this area, with, say, Wisconsin????????????

                             All of which adds up to a very exciting lead-in week.  This is TONY Week.  So, I am telling you right now, if you have not been to the theater in awhile, this is the time to take in a show, because you will never see such "up" performances as those  this week!  And then, you can watch and compare on Sunday.

                             I have tentative plans right now to attend a TONY Party, where I have something very special prepared--both to honor the TONY'S , and to honor one of our guests, whose birthday is that evening.  Even Monsieur doesn't know what it is, though I have told him, he has seen and heard it before!
But, then, he has seen and heard a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               As for the awards themselves, I am rooting for everyone, but the two most important awards for me--the only reasons for me to watch--are the winners of Best Featured Actress In A Play, and Best Leading Actress In A Musical.  And they had better go to, Celia Keenan-Bolger, for her heartbreaking and career defining Laura in "The Glass Menagerie," and Jessie Mueller, long overdue, for her comparably Streisand/Fanny Brice turn as Carole King in the musical, "Beautiful."  If I don't hear both these names, I will bitch out everyone on the TONY committee, and who I see in the Broadway community. And I am just the ones to do it, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!    Hey, Tony Nominating Committee, watch out!  You could jointly be named Bitch Of The Week, if you are not careful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Have a great week of theater going, dolls, and see you on the aisle Sunday night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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