Monday, June 2, 2014

Poor Jodi! Still Being Railroaded!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           I an telling you, girls, they are still trying to railroad Jodi!  Miss Arias is in the news, once again, which should please her advocates, not to mention Jodi herself.  It seems the Judge has ruled that Jodi is still eligible for the Death Penalty!!!!!!!!!

                              This is inexcusable!  Let me say, if the shoe were on the other foot, and Travis Alexander were on trial, he would be receiving clemency, and a Life Sentence. But, because Jodi has been treated by the largely male hetero sexist media as some sort of slut who offed one of their own--a good ole All-American boy, like Travis, even if he was for all his so-called Mormonism, a hypocritical pussy hound, who just might have been asking for what he got, she faces lethal injection, which you can be sure Travis would not have been facing.

                                It's like the "Fatal Attraction" reaction.  Instead of questioning Dan's (Michael Douglas) lack of judgement, and examine Alex's (Glenn Close) thought processes and emotional deterioration on a deeper level, no, the public, fueled again by heterosexual males, just labeled her a psycho bitch, and cheered like anything when Ann Archer (who had more balls than Douglas, when it came to protecting home and family) pulled the trigger on Alex!  Jodi has been put in the same position, and I, for one, thinks it is ridiculous.  She may need to do time, she does not need to be killed.  I don't see Jodi as a threat to society really, but I do worry about her being a threat to Jodi.

                                   Again, I cry--Justice For Jodi!  Being a Pussy Hounding Mormon hypocrite does not excuse one from lack of virtue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     If Travis had been a woman, what would we have called him, girls????????


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