Thursday, June 26, 2014

It Took Eight Years To Catch This Bitch, But He's Not Going Anywhere, Now!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Robert Anthony Jones, this week's winner of the Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award, was just 29 years old when he committed the deed that landed him this distinction.

                             On June 22, 1987, pretty, average 16-year-old Kari Nixon, walked to the convenience store, just down the road, to purchase some things for her family.  She never returned, and for eight years, until her body was found, no one knew what happened.

                               Now, the thing about Robert Anthony Jones was that this was the Crime That Got Him Caught.  He had been facing imprisonment for a bank robbery, in tandem with his wife, a piece of trash if ever there was one, and a real Bonnie and Clyde pair. And I have the feeling Kari was not his first victim; had he not been apprehended, she would not have been the last.    For leniency to her, so she could take care of their two children--isn't is amazingly hypocritical, how these murderous, women hating scum, turn out to have wives and children?????--he agreed to tell them what happened to Kari Nixon.

                                Around the time of Kari's death, Robert was visiting his parents, who lived not far from the Nixons, and had a lot of land.  He had confided to friends his fantasy about raping and killing a woman, and he wanted to put that plan into action. He and his trash wife had been having martial problems; he insisted she was cheating on him; she maintained she was not.  I say good for her, if she was, because her adulterer might have turned out to be less of a scum than her husband.

                                  The night of June 22, 1987, Robert was driving about, visiting local hangouts, having drinks. On his way home, he drove through Kari's neighborhood, and saw her walking.  She was about one thousand feet from her own home, but the opportunity was there, and Jones seized it. Sporting a gun, he abducted her, got her in the car, took her to  a cabin on his parents' property, and raped her, promising to take her home, afterwards.  Which turned out to be false; he lured her into the woods, strangled, and then shot her. Kari was dead.  For no reason at all but pure evil selfishness.

                                     I hope Jones' wife had the sense to divorce him, and estrange herself and the children from him.  I hope he rots in prison, and then the Hell he belongs in, for what he did to Kari.  What a lovely girl she was!

                                         That Robert Jones, Bitch Of The Week, snuffed Kari's life out! When he gets snuffed off soon, I hope he sees Kari in the Afterlife, and she smacks him across the face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Rot in Hell, you scum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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