Thursday, June 26, 2014

Let's Celebrate Being Gay This Pride Week, With.........Dorothy Gale!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             For so many of us, it begins watching Dorothy in "The Wizard Of Oz." The idea of getting caught up in a cyclone, and whirled away to a Technicolor MGM Neverland fuels in those of us who feel out of step with the environment we are placed in, a desire for escape.  Later, as we mature, and puberty fuels in that interest shifts to icons like Judy Garland herself, and, to some, drugs, which is how so many gays end up like, or relating to, Neely O'Hara.

                              But "The Wizard Of Oz" is where it all begins.  I cannot wait to see it on the screen this year, its 75th Anniversary, though I suppose I will have to watch it in 3D!  Watch for it in theaters, come September. Meanwhile, enjoy yourselves, and have a Gay Pride Summer.

                                And here is that magical scene, that shows us how to escape, and to where we would like to escape!  I still recall, how, when I was about six or seven, one summer evening a tornado was predicted for our area at 8PM.  We  never got it, but that did not stop me lining up my bed by the window, so I would get knocked on the head.  Wonder who the Witch I would have seen might have been?  Probably that dumb Norma Brodsky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Instead, I escaped, as many gays do, across the Hudson, to New York City!

                                 All thanks to Dorothy Gale!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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