Monday, June 16, 2014

"Oh, Papa, Don"t Stop, Till I Tell You When!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                    This is my way of wishing all Daddies, gay or straight, and those who love them, a very Happy Father's Day!!!!!!!!!! Being the Raving Queen means I am always on the go about something, so, lately, when I can get to a computer, it is catch as catch can!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Hope all my girls had a lovely Daddy Day, and did what Daddy wanted!  And that it wasn't too exhausting, darlings.  But, like Neely, just take a pill--or several--an d get on your feet again!

                                        I promise to be more timely in the future!

                                        Can you beleive we are already halfway through June????????????????

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