Monday, June 16, 2014

The Clemtis Are At It Again--Good For Them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Tyler Clementi will never be forgotten.  Not by me, or my girls who read on here, and least of all, his mother, Jane, and brother James, who spoke last Wednesday afternoon, June 11, at the Hudson County Boys And Girls Club, in Hudson County, New Jersey.  This was to kick off what they call "Internet Safety Month," outlining the proper, rather than improper ways the Internet can and should be, or not, used.  And no better example exists of what can go wrong with improper Internet use, than the tragic tale of Tyler Clementi.  It is his legacy, but it came with a terrible price.

                              September 22 will be four years, since his passing.  This when Tyler would have finished college, and begun his journey into the world, be it grad school or career.  But, unfortunately, that is not to be.

                                I know all you girls share in this with me.  I wish I could have been there, in solidarity, and to support Jane and James.   Instead, I am getting the word out. These folks have their mission, and they are following superbly, despite its being something they never expected to develop.

                                  But, then heroes, like stars, often come out of Nowhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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