Monday, June 23, 2014

This Is One Sick Piece Of Garbage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        The day Marti Hill and Brian Pennington met turned out to be bad for both.  That day was September 8, 2010, in Prairie Village, Kansas.  Marti's mother had hired Brian, a local handyman, in his late 20's married, with two children, to do some handiwork at her home, and was so impressed she recommended Brian to her daughter, Marti.

                                           But, on that September 8, 2010 morning, Brian shows up at Marti's, unexpectedly, with some bogus story abut having to check something in her basement, relating to the work he was doing.  Well, Marti had no reason to fear for her safety, so she let him in.  They descended to the basement, with Marti leading the way.  Just as she reached the bottom step, Brian put his hands around Marti's throat, and squeezed.  Her jaw was broken, her throat was slit, and she was left for dead. But, luckily because of the way Brian cut, Marti became his worst nightmare.

                                            The Victim Who Survived, And Got Him Caught!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Thanks to fast thinking on the part of her coworkers, who called almost as soon as it became apparent that Marti, a reliable standby, was not going to show, nor could be reached at her house. And to the medical team that worked on her, restoring her to an active life. And the police and legal team, who put this scum behind bars.

                                               Everyone waxes over the lack of a motive.  Pennington himself may very well be unable to articulate one.  But one thing I can tell you, This guy is both attracted to and repelled by women.  Something happened in his background, to make him this way, because I am willing to bet Marti was not his first victim--there are most likely others not known about--and, had he not been caught, she would not be the last.

                                                What I have to wonder is whether Marti was the intended victim in the first place.  I am sure when he worked for Marti's mother, Brian noticed family pics around, and there must have been some of her 16-year-old granddaughter, Mackenzie, Marti's daughter.  I have a feeling Mackenzie was whom he was after.  Marti was just an incidental opportunity.

                                                   I certainly feel sorry for Marti, but admire her, for both her physical strength and emotional courage.  I also sympathize with Marti's mother, who lives every day with the fact that, through no fault of her own, she allowed a fiend into her daughter's home.  And it must have been frightening for Mackenzie, not only over the possibility of losing her mother, but the notion that is this sicko, Pennington, were somehow not convicted, he might come back for them both!  I know that is what I would have been thinking, in that situation!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    Thankfully, justice prevailed, and this scum will never bother anyone again!!!!!!!!

                                                      Good for you, Marti....and Mackenzie, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                        As I heard on another program, "there is a special place in HELL for people like Brian Pennington!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. He only got 28 years. The sick fuck may have plenty of time to hurt other people when he's released.

  2. Acer1974,
    When are those 28 years up?
    Hopefully, he will not be paroled.

  3. I wonder if Brian Pennington had seen MacKenzie in passing when he was doing the work at the house and thought she might be there early in the morning before school. He strangled Marti and then went looking for MacKenzie who had already left for school?

  4. Onward Upward,
    That is highly possible.
    Had Mackenzie been at home,
    I have no doubt she would have
    been killed, too!
