Monday, June 23, 2014

Could Cathy Mitchell Be Related To Margaret Mitchell???????????????????????

                        You have to wonder, girls!  First of all, I am pretty sure Cathy hails from the South!  So, does that mean any Southerner with the surname Mitchell is kin to Margaret??????????  Margaret Mitchell may have written about White Trash, (that Emmy Slattery!!!!!!!!!) in her Monumental Southern Epic (which everyone on here should know is "Gone With The Wind!") but in real life, I believe Margaret was appalled by such, and I think she would be appalled by Cathy!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Yesterday was supposed to be Dump Sunday in our home.  The kitchen was going to be turned over to me, and I was going to make a Dump Dinner, and Dump Desert!  Just dump; then eat and dump!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Or then some, depending on how the meal turns out!

                           But I did not go through with it!  A reliable source informed me, based on people he has known who have attempted such, that there is no guarantee they turn out right.  So, that was that!

                            However, later that evening, while watching my killers on ID, Monsieur snuck into the kitchen, and made what he called a dump cake, though he did do some mixing, which makes me question the authenticity.  I haven't tasted it, yet, but  I will let you know, and I can attest--all last evening, a distinctly White Trash smell was emanating from the kitchen!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               I think Scarlett was better off eating that radish in the garden!  The idea of Dump Dinners and Deserts would offend the like of Mammy and Velma Cruther!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               And Aunt Pittypat!  Though, having a sweet tooth, she would probably secretly indulge!!!!!!!!!!!!

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