Sunday, June 22, 2014

Happy Birthday To The Divine MERYL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              The longest day of the year, the 45th Anniversary of Judy Garland's death, and Meryl Streep's birthday!!!!!!!!!!  Yes, girls, the 22nd of June is quite a day!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               And quite a day for MERYL; brave woman that she is , I am sure she would not mind a bit if the Raving Queen reveals her age!  Today, she turns 65!!!!!!!!  Can you believe that, darlings?????????  Meryl Streep a Senior Citizen!!!!!!!!!  MERYL STREEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!   It makes us all want to spend more time in front of our mirrors, if we want to look as good, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                By the way, IMDB posted MERYL's age, before I did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                So, Happy Birthday MERYL, however you celebrate it!  Perhaps we ill celebrate it with some cake ourselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  And enjoy these LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG days, while they last!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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