Wednesday, July 16, 2014

A Breakthrough For Women.....Or Is It????????????

                                        One thing all we girls--gay and straight--look forward to, each year, is the New York City Firefighters' Calendar.  Oh, honey!  Twelve months of lusciousness.

                                          But, now, as 2015 is being planned, the first woman ever to grace the pages of this NYC artifact has been named. She is Danae Mines, an 11 year veteran of FDNY.  Now, no one is saying she is not calendar material; when it comes to attractiveness, Mines has what it takes, plus charm, besides.

                                            The thing is now, darlings, females have cornered the calendar market for over 60 years, ever since Hugh Hefner created "Playboy--Entertainment For Men."  Well, men of a certain kind, loves!  Such calendars have been enjoyed by straight men and adolescent boys, and there is nothing wrong with that.

                                                There is something wrong, however, with a woman being featured on a calendar that is anticipated anxiously by gay men in the Metropolitan  area, and some straight women, as well.  So, why do they need to see a woman?  Why don't the female firefighters--I am sure Mines is not the only one in NYC-- have a calendar, all to themselves???????? As I said on another post, recently, what is good for the goose is good for the gander.  But don't mix the two.

                                                     Suppose some tender young male thing, who isn't sure yet that he is gay, but is using this calendar as a testing ground, comes upon a woman?  Not only is he going to be confused about the calendar's intent; it will send a mixed message--almost like, "Sure, you can be gay, but you still gotta have a woman, and procreate."

                                                      I really do not want to accuse Mines, or this move, as being homophobic, but these actions are getting into dangerous waters, here. If Mines and her girls were to unite, with their own calendar, while I might not buy it, I would be the first to cheer them on!

                                                       In fact, I do cheer Miss Mines on!  Except, she is pursuing this in the wrong direction!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                       Leave the original calendar for whom it was intended--gay men!!!!!!!!!

                                                        Or--start showing male pulchritude in "VOGUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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