Wednesday, July 16, 2014

How About My New Interactive, Reality Television Show??????????????

                            As a former Jersey Boy, (unfortunately, not of the Broadway or Four Seasons variety!!!!) I think "Jersey Bitch" is a wonderful idea.  It features yours truly, of course, and, in documentary (though
 really more mockumentary style) the camera, with me, tours all the haunts of Jersey during my youth, from crib to college.

                          Listen, girls, if there is one thing Jerseyans can do, it is bitch about their state!  I wonder what kind of monologue I would deliver, in front of the Gingerbread Castle?????????

                           Imagine--North tenth Avenue, the schools, Tomahawk Lake, South Plainfield, Cedar grove, Seton Hall,  Green Pond, Asbury Park, Point Pleasant, not to mention Bloomfield--the mind boggles, the creative juices just flow thinking about coming up with cunning little descriptions of experiencing said venues.

                             If this Reality Show BECOMES reality, I will be sure and let you know!  Meanwhile, what do you think????

                             It could be MY version of "Grey Gardens," with me as Little Edie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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