Saturday, July 19, 2014

"All Right, Seth Rudetsky! Mr. Big Fat Theater Queen! Mr. Rotten, Stinking Actor! Press A Button, Ring A Bell, Ya Think The Whole World Comes Running, Don'tcha? Lunch, Mr. Rudetsky? Why, Certainly, Mr. Rudetsky! I'm Sure We Can Find Something APPROPRIATE For You, Mr. Rudetsky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                Now, that I have gotten the Baby Jane out of my system, it is time for a showdown between Seth Rudetsky, and the Raving Queen.  Isn't it telling that part of his surname contains the word "rude?"  Isn't that ironic?

                                  Mr. Rudetsky has had the temerity not to respond to the Raving Queen.   It has been exactly one week, and not one message about the pieces I suggested need to be deconstructed. Not even, "Carousel," which, I am sure, everyone would agree with me on.

                                    Seth, honey, you had your chance.  So, starting next week, I am going to begin deconstructing the important songs--the ones that merit real attention, rather than the likes of Kristen Chenowith and Idina Menzel!!!!!!!!!!!  Compared to artists like Jessie Mueller???????  Come on!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      I will start simply,  with "Frank Mills."  Which brings up another point--hey, Seth, what about the voice of Jill O'Hara as Agnes Nolan on the "George M!" cast album????? Her rendition of "Billie" in that show is its equivalent of "Frank Mills." And Jill's is a voice to reckon with.  Compare her "Billie" to "Knowing When To Leave," in "Promises, Promises!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                       I heard your big boast on one of the videos.  "Thirty deconstructions in thirty days."  Well, I will not be as foolish as that, but, Seth there is so much more out there to deconstruct, it is a pity you stopped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          You still have till Monday to think it over, Seth! Hell, you have the whole weekend!  Meanwhile, here is a little something to remember me by!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             What kind of Theater Queen are you, anyway?????????????????

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