Monday, July 14, 2014

Few Play A Bitch As Consistently, And As Skillfully, As Carrie Preston!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Before we get into Carrie, girls, it is interesting to note that she is married to an actor skilled at playing male bitches, Michael Emerson.  Remember the "SVU' episode, "Ritual,"  involving child slave trafficking and Trini Alvarado as Maggie Shaye, the dealer in African Art???????  Michael Emerson played her creepy, pedophile husband, Allan Shaye, and was so good at it, I wanted to ram my fist through the TV set at him!  Well, in real life, Carrie and Michael are married to each other.  How can such two actors, skilled at playing bitches, find happiness?  The answer is easy. Off camera, they are anything but bitches, but the sweetest love birds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Carrie has played a bitch for the 'Law And Order' franchise several times!

                                Back in 2003, in an episode called Zoonotic, she played a nasty piece of work named Megan Colby.  The next year, in "Magnificat," she played kind of a female John List--an abused wife who felt her only option was to end her life, and her children's!  Now, that was also kinda Susan Smith, just ten years, after the actual case!!!!!!!!!  And, in 2006, in "Bedfellows," she played Lena Copeland, a money grabbing thing, out for the family fortune!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   All of the above were for the 'Criminal Intent' franchise, by the way.  Yesterday, on 'SVU,' I got a chance to see Carrie play what is my favorite of her bitch roles--Bella Zane, in "Educated Guess."

                                   This is the one where Natasha Lyonne plays Gia Eskas, incarcerated at La Guardia Psychiatric Hospital.  What follows is a family drama, that, I am telling you, darlings, would make Eugene O'Neill blush!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Carrie and J. Smith Cameron, both wonderful actresses, play two tragic sisters, locked in a codependent sibling relationship.  It seems Diane Eskas' (J. Smith Cameron) and her husband had Gia, but around her 14th birthday, the father had to be confined to a mental hospital, when he developed schizophrenia, while Gia began making rape accusations from just about anyone, signalling that she might be developing the same illness as her father!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  So, she is in and out of La Guardia.

                                       Meanwhile, the sisters either live next door to each other, or in a duplex; it is really not made clear. What is made clear is that Diane is always at Bella's beck and call; to say that this woman is controlling would be to say Leni Riefenstahl was politically ambitious.  Bella is married to George, who also does her bidding, but has a man cave in his garage, with a cot, where a dirty little secret begins to emerge.

                                          When another inmate at La Guardia witnesses Gia being raped, and spreads the word, the search is on for who the rapist may be.  Guess what, darlings??????  It turns out that Gia is not so crazy after all.  It turns she had been telling the truth all along--she was being raped, but was afraid to reveal who it really was. It was Aunt Bella's husband, George Zane. He is arrested, much to Bella's consternation--after all, why should her perfectly controlled world, where she calls the shots on everything, be disturbed, simply by accusations and verification that her own husband had, for more than ten years, been sexually abusing her niece???????????

                                            And you have got to see the almost ridiculous looking, purple wig Carrie wears, when playing Bella, who, her husband thinks, has cancer, but actually just had her gall bladder removed!!!!!!!  Aunt Bella is a great bitch, but she would make a lousy punk rocker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Once sister Diane makes the discovery, which centers on a tool box that wasn't always under the Zanes' bed, and contains underage porn pics of Gia, Diane goes after Bella, chasing her out of the house.  I only wish the writers had let us witness the bitch fight these two must have had, because Bella certainly had it coming, and I would love to have seen someone slap her across the face!!!!!!!!!!   I also would like to have seen Bella arrested, and hauled off  to jail, like George, for being a knowing accomplice.  Very much like the "Cold Case" episode, "Offender," where I felt the Burrells, Cliff (Kale Browne) and Linda (Stephanie Manglaras) should have both been arrested for what was done to Clayton Hathaway in that story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               But, girls, you have to hand it to Carrie Preston, for playing such a fabulous bitch!  I cannot wait to see what she does next!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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