Monday, July 14, 2014

Could Chloe Sevigny Be The Yvette Vickers Of This Generation??????????????

                                First of all, girls, you are simply not going to believe what we--Monsieur and I--did yesterday.   After our excursion to Hoboken on Saturday, where I was removed from my Raving Queen Comfort Zone of theaters and nightclubs, you better believe we were both physically and emotionally exhausted.  So, we stayed in all day--which was a blessed change from our general breakneck pace--and I made some interesting discoveries.

                                  Of course, the TV was on, and, of course, it was going back and forth between Investigation Discovery, and "Law And Order SVU."  An episode, which I had not seen in awhile, was "Valentine's Day, featuring Miss Sevingny--whose birthday I share; not the year, but the date; would you believe, girls, that Chloe is younger???--as Christine Hartwell. Don't let her clothes and Upper East Side manner fool you;  Christine, as Chloe plays her, is no graduate of Miss Porter's but was probably some cheap cocktail waitress from the Wrong Side Of The Tracks, who snared hubby Boyd Hartwell (played by an avuncular Rich Sommer, who strongly resembles a young Richard Kind) by bedroom acrobatics, which, once his balls were clutched, he would says yes to anything, as long as this amazing sex, as he fully expects it to, lasts forever.  The one thing this episode demonstrates is how easily rich, avuncular, white, Upper East Side corporate type men can be taken for fools!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Even this photo of Chloe; don't believe that Miss Porter matronly outfit.  Just look at her eyes--they are those of a lying, slut, bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!  WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  The episode even starts out kinky, with her husband, waiting to fly home from Hong Kong, (a business trip) to celebrate Valentine's Day, with his wife.  She gets all sexy with him on laptop, as they conference call, and she removes her robe, while he looks like he is about to jack off in the airport, in front of everyone, which shows how pathetically desperate this guy is.  They have a daughter, Madison, and you don't even see her; trust me, in just ten years, Madison will be as big a slut as her Mommy now is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Three guys are seen, breaking into the house, and raping Christine, on view, before the screen goes dead.  Distraught, Boyd high tails it home, and the SVU team is there to meet him.  As Christine begins to describe a group of Black men, I am beginning to think, "What is this; the Susan Smith story??????????"  Which is funny, because this show was shot in 2012, a good 18 years after the Smith case.

                                         Soon, it turns into a cross between "The Crucible" and "The Children's Hour."  Christine changes her story every time--from black guys, she goes to a delivery man named Kevin, then one named Brad, then her husband's business partner, Justin Geld, (who should have been gelded on camera!!!!!!) wonderfully played by Josh Randall!!!!!!!!!!!  Of course, Christine claims that he forced himself on her, so what could she do????????  But, with the video above Justin's bed, photographing all his action, Christine does not look at all force; with her atop Justin, she is jump starting him with all the vigor of Marilyn Chambers in "Behind The Green Door!"

                                           This bitch is not even above eyeing one of the male jurors, and having a cigarette, and giving him a blow job, on the stairwell!!!!!!!!!  What a fucking bitch!!!!!!!!!  And her defense????? That people who envy her life of privilege can't conceive of her having such problems????????
Girls, this slut has more problems than can be summed up in an hour episode.

                                              This episode has the distinction of being one of the few where I was dissatisfied by the outcome!  Christine walks, and her husband still takes her back, believing in her completely, thinking now they can go back to their normal family life--which is HIS fantasy, not hers!!!!!!!!-- and the look Christine gives Benson tells us that both know she is lying.

                                                I wish some gunman had walked up and shot Christine; it's been done before, on 'SVU,' or I would like to have seen someone--the husband, if he had some balls, even!--walk up to Christine and give here the slap across the face she so desperately needs.

                                                  But, you have to hand it to Chloe! She goes all the way in portraying in slut; this could have netted her an Emmy, and I am telling you, thanks to this, the next time Chloe is seen, she will be playing a slut, and doing so, for sometime to come! Just like Yvette Vickers did, back in the Fifties!!!!!!!!

                                                 Darlings, I can tell you, from what I have just described, the day will come when Boyd realizes he has been made a fool of all along.  Marriages like this eventually get found out, and then he will not only kick Christine and her sorry ass out onto the street, he will take custody of Madison!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    As for Christine, this bitch will survive!  She has, before!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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