Monday, July 14, 2014

Another Take On An Aforementioned Commercial, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  I have not changed my mind one bit, about Pillsbury's toaster strudel commercial.  I still say that the company, and its execs, by still airing this ad, are Nazi sympathizers and still advocate the Holocaust.  That kid is one super-Aryan, who, as I said before, and will say again, looks as though he is about to burst into "Tomorrow Belongs To Me, " from "Cabaret."

                                   But, if you look carefully at the ad, again, there is a glimmer of hope.  Someone was obviously not doing what the director told them to do, and it was deliberate!  Look at the deer and the squirrel.  They are not only cute, they are pointedly refusing to look at Aryan Boy, with their noses almost turned up.  They are not about to embrace the Holocaust philosophy!  They are clearly anti-Nazi, and hooray for them!

                                   That a deer and squirrel are the proponents to Good is very telling.  There is a subtle message, that some anti-Nazi on the Pillsbury staff sneaked in, using these creatures, that this boy should not be reading "Mein Kampf," as he obviously has been, but should switch to "Bambi," and "Peri!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                     Think about it, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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